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Cookies Policy

Cookies. Why do we need it?

 Cookies are small files containing information that may get on your personal computer, laptop, smartphone (or any other device that you use for browsing the internet) when you enter Cell-phone-signal-booster.com. There are session and persistent cookies. When you start a new browser session and visit our website, a new session cookie will be created as these cookies are never written to the disk and are deleted when you close your browser. But persistent cookies are stored on the disk and are lost upon their expiration dates. Persistent cookies let us know that you have already visited our page before.

The main reason why we use cookies is our desire to improve our clients’ experience and to facilitate their interaction with our website. Thanks to cookies that let as collect some information about your interests, preferences and needs, we have an opportunity to offer your products that can be interesting for you. Anonymous statistical data that is provided by cookies helps us to see general trends in using of our website and introduce modifications of its content and structure if needed. We want you to understand that our cookies never gather any personal details (as your address, phone number, age, credit card details, etc.) and they do not cause any harm for your informational security.

Types of cookies that we use

Above we have already mentioned that we use two types of cookies that are applied by our website. They are “session cookies" and "persistent cookies". Let us once again highlight the difference between these two types. While “session cookies" are alive only during your work with our website, "persistent cookies" are stored on your device for a longer period (which depends on their expiration dates) or till the moment when you delete it on your own. There are some cases when it is possible to delete this or that cookie only manually. It is also very important to mention that the details that are gathered by coolies do not let us identify you personally.

Cookies used by Cell-phone-signal-booster.com

Cookie TypesHow do they help us?Do they let us identify you?

Necessary (PHPSESSID)

These cookies help our website to function correctly which significantly facilitate your work with our website. A good example of this type of cookies is remembering previously entered text.

These cookies are not able to identify you. Nevertheless, they should be accepted to let you enjoy all the possibilities of our website.


Cookies of this type give us an opportunity to understand the behavior of users of our website. Thanks to these cookies we know which our pages or sections are the most interesting for users, how long our visitors spend on this or that page, whether there is something to be improved.

These cookies do not gather any personal details. Only anonymous data can be collected.


These cookies are aimed at facilitation your usage of our website. They can remember the details that you enter (for example, the details that are needed for logging in, your place of residence, the language that you use). Thanks to these cookies you are allowed to write comments, communicate with other users, etc. Thanks to these cookies your visit of our website becomes more personalized.

Though these cookies may collect some personal data, we always let you know how we are going to use it.

You can easily refuse to accept these cookies but you should realize it may cause some restrictions in using our website.

Targeting / advertising

These cookies are used to gather information on your history of browsing at our website. Thanks to the gathered data we have an opportunity to see what products are interesting for you and offer you something of this kind. Such cookies let us estimate whether our promotional campaigns are successful and feasible.

The gather information may be transferred to some third parties that may use it with  advertising aims.

These cookies may get access to the information about your IP address, that’s why some data may be considered to be personalized.


For more information about the cookies that we use please read the information below.

Some more details about different types of cookies

Session / temporary cookies: as these cookies are not stored on the disk, they are lost after you close our website.

Permanent / persistent: these cookies still remain on your device even when you leave our website.  


CookiesWhy do we need it?What is the period of their storing on your device?Cookie Details


Analytics / Tracking

Thanks to them we receive anonymous information about your behavior while navigating our website.

Persistent, session and first party

Google Analytics (__ga, __gat, __gid, __utm): 

Cloudflare(__cfduid):  (Acceptance of these cookies is crucial for Cloudflare's security features!)



Social Media / sharing

Thanks to these cookies you have an opportunity to leave comments, communicate with other users, share pages, use social tools etc.

Third Party


Facebook Connect and Facebook plugins:



Cross site tracking

Thanks to these cookies we can monitor what websites people visit, what products are interesting for them.

Persistent, session and third party

Google Analytics Advertising features


Thanks to these cookies we can communicate with our clients online.

Persistent, session and third party



How to reject using cookies

We want you to feel comfortable while using our website that’s why we offer you an opportunity to turn cookies off. Nevertheless, you should understand doing it you may face with some limitations in using our website. In such a case the entire range of features won’t work correctly. Some functions as accessing your account or adding items to your shopping bag may be unavailable.

But if you are sure that you want to reject cookies as you don’t want let Google Analytics use your data or if you want to be informed that cookies are used, you can easily change settings of your browser.

To consult the information on disabling cookies, please use the "Help" tab of your browser. For learning more about Analytics, please view Google Analytics opt-out page and enable the add-on for your browser. To get more information about these opportunities, check this page.

We hope that the information provided was useful for you and after reading it you understand why cookies are needed. If you use our website without turning off cookies, we consider it as your acceptance of our Cookies Policy and the way we use your personal details that we can gather under our Privacy Policy. If you do not accept our Cookies Policy, we kindly ask you to change your browser settings for rejecting cookies.

We reserve the right to change our Cookies Policy. Nevertheless, we always provide information on its modification on this page. This version was updated on 6 September 2018.

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All you need to do is to get in touch with our qualified managers and you will forget about network problems once and for all!

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